As SOG missions strated to get compromised with every insertion (due to a mole in Saigon) teams begin to run missions expecting contact, this was known as Running Heavy. The best exempler of this was RT New York under Ed Wolcoff (whos pre-mission rallying cry was "We are going on a bloodfest")
Key features of a Heavy team included:
- Under Ed Wolcoff the team size was increased to 12 people with 4 Americans.
- A lot of firepower, the team would typically have 4 CAR-15/M203 combinations, 2 RPD's, a 60mm morter and up to 2 RPG-7s. A lot of firepower for a 12 man team.
- Fatigues sprayed with green and brown, alongside the regular black spraying. This was a feature that SOG veteran John Good pointed out to us.
- Some teams such as RT Virginia were armed and outfitted in full NVA gear to confuse the enemy on contact

Photo courtesy of Cochise Raiders
