Modern Forces Living History Group has a core membership of dedicated members all joined by the same goal of recreating an accurate portrayal of a SOG Recon team. We have all been collecting for years and honing our tactical skills with MilSim airsoft in the UK and US. We welcome new members but you have to be prepared to work hard to get it right!
Paul Bishop: 1-0 (Pronounced One-Zero)

Paul has been collecting militaria since the age of 11 and has had a keen interest in History for the same time, the idea to create Modern Forces Living History group combines these two passions." The ability to explore history through living and re-enacting scenarios and events was a natural conclusion to my collecting"
Paul is our technical advisor on all things SOG and the founder of the group.
Jason Veall: One-One - now gone Stateside

Jason is one of the new members to the team. His love of all things military started way before he joined the army cadets but that was a long time ago now. After living & traveling the world with his other hobby, snowboarding, Jason had a chance meeting with an a old love again guns & military in the form of Airsoft.
“JV” as he is known to most loves nothing more than to fire his Airsoft gun at other players & looking cool at the same time. He has many load outs (you will see soon) but has gone full throttle into SOG & re-enacting. And not forgetting rocking his SOG load out when playing Airsoft.
“I’m learning slowly from One – Zero & the rest of the team & hope to pass the skills & passion we have as a team”
Peter Lloyd: One-Two

Peter is another new member to the team and like Jason and Paul has a keen interest in all things military and is an avid reader of military history, but surprisingly read little on the Vietnam war apart from the ever popular "Chickenhawk".
After a chance meeting with Paul at this years War & Peace and being blown away by his SOG impression he has since been fascinated by the whole "SOG" thing and is busy reading anything and everything on the subject and like JV loves to rock his new SOG loadout whenever he can.
Peter has the honour of carrying the teams radio (it's heavy)
Greg Hall

Militaria collector and reenactor for over 25 years, main interests are reconnaissance troops (all the way from Napoleonic light cavalry to HAHO deployed modern special operations types) and counter-insurgency operations.
When not "dressing up" like to go hill walking and fencing
Chris Perrin

A collector of all things Navy Seal for over 12 years, From Vietnam to modern day, Chris jumped at the chance to Join the Modern Forces team and continue on the never ending path of Knowledge, Gear Collecting and Socializing with other team members.
Out of Uniform he is an avid Sci-fi fan (Namely Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica and Avatar) , Amateur Photographer and Rock/Indi music lover.
Steve Adkins

My interest in things military started as a kid with my dad telling me stories about his service in the RAF during WWII, he kept Spitfires in the air in France, came out at Dunkirk was stationed at RAF Northolt during the battle of Britain then moved to a bomber squadron working on Lancasters. So following in my fathers footsteps i became a Royal Marine cadet.
After watching films like Apocalypse Now, Platoon and Hamburger hill I became interested in the Vietnam War and the music of the time a chance Internet search one day resulted in me finding the Modern Forces website and the rest as they say is history.
I spend every spare moment reading up on SOG history and the US special forces, LRP's and SEAL's in Vietnam.
Adrian Murphy - now gone Stateside

Currently a field archeaologist and part-time "steampunk" crafter, I grew up a "military brat", accompanying my father on various overseas postings in the sixties and seventies. Constant exposure to the military, and nightly reports on a remote war in a country called Vietnam presumably left their mark.
After involvement in "Dark Ages" Anglo-Saxon re-enactment around twenty years ago, I gave up the Living History hobby, having sworn to avoid the petty politics of different groups encountered along the way. However, a chance meeting with some of the modern Forces guys equipped as a SOG recon team, I jumped at the chance to get involved. Small group, hard work, and worth it!
Ross Baker

Having had a former military background and an interest in military history, I took my intrest a little further and became a reenactor, starting of in WW2 period,with an interest in the Vietnam War bubbling away in the background.
I got to know the team members of the Modern they say the rest is now history,with my interest in all things SOG... a totally outstanding unit, I'm currently a 1-2 RTO...heavy work, but well worth it.
Dan Clayton

Introduced to the group in 2010 for the end of the display season at Military Odyssey.
Born into a military family and spending time all over the world, due to his father's career in the British Army. His interest into the military was sparked from an early age. Dan is a currently serving soldier within the British Army. He has served both at home and overseas on intelligence operations.
When not at work or reenacting can often be found rock climbing, mountaineering, sea kayaking and snorkelling.
Dan Child

Daniel Child has studied the origins and consequences of Vietnam Conflict for 25 years. A continued interest in the technical details led him be start collecting the equipment and this in turn has led to Living History. Firstly portraying a member of the 2/7 Air Cavalry and then their Long Range reconnaissance company with its “H” Co designation. He has forged links with “H” Co LRRPS and visits veterans regularly to hear and appreciate their experiences.
This in turn has focused his interest in specialised units leading to a portrayal of U.S. Special Forces in Vietnam from which most of the MACV SOG have volunteered from. He continues to study and observe and continues to enjoy learning the fascinating story of the most effective and secretive unit that operated in the Vietnam conflict.
Honoury Members
Jack Kull

Jack at the Ho Chi Minh Trail Museum taken during his November 2008 trip to Vietnam.
Jack Kull serves as the senior Vietnam War policy advisor at the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) in Washington, D.C. Prior to coming to DPMO in 2002, he spent 17 years on Capitol Hill, the last three as the Director of Government Affairs for Rep. John M. McHugh (R-NY). Among other duties, he advised Rep. McHugh on matters relating to the prisoner of war/missing in action (POW/MIA) issue and supported the senior foreign policy and defense assistant in the fields of military affairs and POW/MIA matters. His involvement in the POW/MIA issue spans almost 30 years.
Jack first became interested in MACVSOG during his high school years when he read cryptic references in news magazines and newspapers to a highly classified Special Forces unit in Vietnam known as the “Studies and Observations Group.” While in Washington, D.C. for graduate school, he obtained an MIA bracelet bearing the name of MSGT George R. Brown, lost on 3-28-68. As part of his Master’s program, he completed an internship with the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia. While researching MSGT Brown’s case at the League, he discovered Brown was assigned to MACVSOG at the time of his loss.
Jack has continued his research into the loss of MSGT Brown and his team, Spike Team ASP, as well as MACVSOG, in the years since. His Freedom of Information Act requests in the 1980s and early 1990s for MACVSOG documents, to include the SOG annexes to the annual MACV Command Histories and the MACSOG Documentation Study, were among the first filed with the Defense Department for these previously classified documents. He has contributed to several books chronicling the exploits of America's special operations forces during the Vietnam War.

This picture was taken during my November 2007 trip to Southeast Asia. I'm at one of our recovery sites in far northern Vietnam, not too far from the Chinese border. The Soviet-built chopper in the background, MI-17, I think, was our mode of transport.
Jack graduated in from the University at Albany, New York, majoring in History with a minor in Social Sciences. Following graduation from Albany, he attended The American University in Washington, D.C. where he received a Master's degree in International Affairs, concentrating in U.S. Foreign Policy and East/Southeast Asia International Relations. As part of his Master's program, he participated in internships at the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (East Asia and Pacific office) and the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia. In addition to his Capitol Hill experience, he has served as the assistant to the executive director of the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia.
He currently resides in Northern Virginia.
Leigh N. McCann

Picture taken at taken at the Cao Dai Temple of the Holy See, Tay Ninh Vietnam.
Leigh lives in Melbourne, Australia, and has collected militaria for over 20 years, with a focus on WW2 and post 1945 conflicts.
Within the Vietnam War he concentrates in US Special Forces and the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam. He has written for French Militaria Magazine and the newley introduced WW2 re-enactor Magazine. He is also a Moderator on the US Militaria Forum.
Leigh is currently undertaking his Bachelor of Arts degree at La trobe University, majoring in history.
Alex Broumand

Alex Broumand
Alex makes very good quality reproduction STABO and Hanson rigs, he sells these via eBay check his listings out here.
Jeffrey Dean Stone

Jeffrey is a US based friend of the group who travels regulary to Vietnam, he can be seen here at the CCN Compound at Danang, in the background Marble Mountain.

Modern Forces recently took a trip to the US to meet with Paul and Alex (and new member Joe to be added soon) You can see some pictures of Paul's War Room here and Paul in Airosft International Magazine here.