The War and Peace show is the world's largest military vehicles and collectors fair. It is held annually at The Hop Farm in Beltring, Kent, England. It hosts more than 3500 military vehicles including tanks, ferrets, DUKWs, jeeps and many other types of military transports. There is a large Living History display and over 1,000 trade stands. It's a big show!
We put a display on every year and this year was our biggest yet with a full wooden built team room replicating Snowden Hall at CCC in Kontum.
This series of vintage style photos are a snapshot of our 8 days at the show. Warning, its a long page...
General Camp Life Shots

South African Defence Force Renactors

Our Team Room Display replicating Snowden Hall at Command and Control, Central in Kontum.

Our recreation of the photo in Jason Hardys SOG book

Sleeping arrangements

Our neighbour was a North Vietnamese T55 Tank

Kit display while getting ready for a mission

Swedish Border Guard display, replicating the border with German occupied Norway

Our own Navy Seal

Red Ball Express display with about 20 GMC trucks, including an engine rebuild in progres helped along witha Diamond T Wrecker

The helicopter that landed in the Rolling Thunder display

Joe's Siesmic Sensor found at the show

A selection of US vehicles including some of the 5 M26 Dragon Wagons present !!!

The show was very very dusty

Our neighbours had a "Fall of Saigon" themed party

This Porsche 912 was being driven from London to Vietnam in aid of landmine awareness

The Modern Forces team relaxing around camp and getting ready for Hawaiian shirt night

Our friends from Norway, Jan and Tor

British Airborne display

A visit from the Australian SAS
