Our display at War & Peace is going to be our largest yet and the theme will be the Dak To launch site, used by SOG based at CCC as a launching base for missions over the fence as well as where Bright Light duty would be undertaken.
Everything on the display is constructed by the team and based on research of the Dak To launch site, both photographs and verteran interviews. We wont be able to get teh display 100% accurate but If any readers have any information pertaining to the Dak To launch site we would love to hear from them.

Photo copyright David Kirschbaum
One of the main regognisable features of Dak To is the bridge, used as the main entrence into the site.

There were also multiple warning signs around the site, advising that no photos should be taken (ignored as it seems...)

We have also added to the radio equipment used in our radio display, it will now feature a field telephone and a Yaesu FT-101E HF ham radio as used by Special Forces teams in base camps, and described as the "Illegal radio" by SOG veratrine Harve Sal as it could be used to communicate direct with friends in the US. Examples of the Yaesu FT-101E HF ham radio can be seen here and the field telephone here.

And we even have a Lister Bag to store our water.
