David Johnston - SEAL Team one (left) and Mike Kinsler - 5th Special Forces SOG CCS (right)
With Modern Forces member Jason's job at Raider magazine he is lucky in the fact that he gets to do some cool stuff that most people don’t. One of these things is the Shot Show in Orlando Florida USA which is one of the largest military, Law Enforcement and Hunting shows in the world.
This year he had a small treat when at the show while looking up and down the stands at the row after row of Green, Tan or Black MOLLE vest he spotted a SOG logo about 3 feet tall so he went to have a look what it was all about. The stand turned out to be www.sogarmory.com run by as the name suggest an Ex SOG member Mike Kinsler from CCS and also a SEAL team One and Ex SOG member David Johnston.

Here is a photo of Mark Kinsler with an XM21 Sniper Rifle while in Vietnam serving with CCS, SOG. Taken SOG: A Photo History of the Secret Wars by John L Plaster (page 154)
Even though the guys were super busy at the show Mike and David had time to tell him about the good old days in Vietnam and some heartfelt recollection of the time they spent in that far away land called Vietnam. he sure would have liked to talk with them both more over a beer but maybe some other time.
Thanks again guys.