First HALO Parachute the MC-1 HALO used between 1964 to the early years of the 1980’s, front view.
Ron Brown has allowed us access to some SOG and Special Forces HALO equipment from his collection.
The SOG units used a modified MC-1 system. They replace the F 11B Auto Parachute opener (AOD) with the Cap 3 AOD. Modified the canopy into a TU and added steering lines with toggles plus, removed the quarter bad and added a sleeve. Also, added a personnel lowering device like the 66J1702 used to get out trees and the ripcord was moved to the jumper’s right side. Some of the blast handle ripcords, used on the standard MC-1 HALO, were changed out for the 4 pin trapezoidal handle.

First HALO Parachute the MC-1 HALO used between 1964 to the early years of the 1980’s, back view.

Detail shots of the Altimeter and stopwatch mount

Detail shots of the Altimeter and stopwatch mount

Detail shots of the Altimeter and stopwatch mount

Detail shots of the Altimeter and stopwatch mount

Shot showing the CAP-111 Automatic Opening Device, unusually for the time this was manufactured behind the Iron Curtain in Checkslovakia. The device is still in production.

PARASCUBA using the MC-1 Static Line