War & Peace Revival 2015: Photo-Shoots
Miliitary Odyssey 2014: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace Revival 2014: Photo-ShootsMiliitary Odyssey 2013: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace Revival 2013: Photo-Shoots
Overlord 2013: Photo-Shoots
Miliitary Odyssey 2012: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace 2012: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace 2011: Photo-Shoots
Trucks & Troops 2011: Photo-Shoots
Military Odyssey 2010: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace 2010: Photo-Shoots
RT Montana: Life Around Camp 1970
RT Idaho: 1971
RT New York
RT Wyoming BDA Mission 1971
MACV-SOG HALO Teams 1970 -1971

RT Montana 1969
RT Viper One-Zero 1971
RT West Virginia One-One 1971
RT Maine 1970
RT Iowa 1969 - The Golfcourse

MACV-SOG Equipment:

Individual Equipment
Team Equipment
Personal Gear
Original MACV-SOG Gear

Australian SASR
Seal Team 1

Modern Forces US Trip 2009:
A second visit with honoury member Paul Miraldi





During my recent trip to LA myself and Owen paid a visit to Paul Miraldi and his famous war room, with its big SOG emphasis. Its all changed since I was last there and no has a tribute to RT Hawaii featuring a 1-0 vest. You will also notice that Pauls dogs helped us during teh visit...

In the shot above the figure on the right is wearing a rare CISO produced NVA copy of the NVA uniform, and on the tiki head you can see a SOG engraved brass beer tankard.