Jerry "Charlie" Weaver (he got his nickname from Charley Weaver a comic character) was a Special Forces veteran that served two tours in Vietnam and was killed on 16 July, 1970 at camp A-236 (Bu Prang) while patrolling the camp perimeter, and in the ultimate tragedy by a sleepy ARVN Guard. Prior to assignment at Camp A-236, he was with 1st Special Forces Group and TDY’d to FOB-3 at Khe Sahn (where the bulk of the pictures in his album are from), (Command and Control North MACV-SOG) on a Snakebite Team and served on a Hatchet Force. This vet is listed in Sherman’s Who Who in SOG on page 132. Some of his awards include: US and Philippine Jump Wings, Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star Medal, Good Conduct Medals, Vietnamese Gross of Gallantry w/ Palm, PUB, and Navy PUC.
Thanks to Rally Point Militaria for background on Weaver.
This grouping includes a few stand out items;
- About 300 colour slides of his time in Splecial Forces including shots of FOB3 at Khe Sanh
- A MACV-SOG Beercan shellburst
- A Special Forces shot glass with different measure levels for Special Forces (Largest), Airborne (medium) and Leg (Smallest)
- His dog tags
- Maps of Vietnam with all US and ARVN bases marked on
- A set of webbing with early M56 compass/first aid pouch (Dated 1960)
- Numerous documents and manuals, most named to Weaver
There are more items from the Weaver grouping being added to the collection shortly so when they arrive we wil update the site.