Victorian period soldier on guard in his camp
I was at Military Odssey this year as RT Viper, you can see the pictures of that here, I was with the guys from the 101st Airborne LRRP/Ranger LHA who had a great display. It was a good show but I thought it seemed a lot smaller that previous years with no Romans, English Civil War or WW1 re-enactors there (that I saw) There was also a lack of horse for the Napoleonic and Western displays.

an 1805 dated Napolionic Canon with some Horse Artillery crew

The Regency period meets the American Civil War

American Civil War Union Soldiers

A Spanish Civil War armouror

A pair of Samurai played Goh (I think)

A Greek Hoplite or Spartan (forgot to ask...)

3 mean looking hombres...

Part of the display at the 101st Rangers camp

More from the 101st Rangers camp

A Dodge WC63 and M1 anti-tank gun

US WW2 half-track

Bunker with Jeep bonnet as roof

Another view of the Dodge WC63, its been painted with snow camouflage

WW2 Russion soldiers settling down for some lunch