War & Peace Revival 2015: Photo-Shoots
Miliitary Odyssey 2014: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace Revival 2014: Photo-ShootsMiliitary Odyssey 2013: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace Revival 2013: Photo-Shoots
Overlord 2013: Photo-Shoots
Miliitary Odyssey 2012: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace 2012: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace 2011: Photo-Shoots
Trucks & Troops 2011: Photo-Shoots
Military Odyssey 2010: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace 2010: Photo-Shoots
RT Montana: Life Around Camp 1970
RT Idaho: 1971
RT New York
RT Wyoming BDA Mission 1971
MACV-SOG HALO Teams 1970 -1971

RT Montana 1969
RT Viper One-Zero 1971
RT West Virginia One-One 1971
RT Maine 1970
RT Iowa 1969 - The Golfcourse

MACV-SOG Equipment:

Individual Equipment
Team Equipment
Personal Gear
Original MACV-SOG Gear

Australian SASR
Seal Team 1

Soldier's Heart: An Inspirational Memoir and Inquiry of War
Lee Burkins




I have read a lot of books regarding military history and a lot about the Vietnam War. There seems to be a bit of a format when it comes to Special Forces memoirs (not a bad thing in its self)...Boy grows up, wants to serve country, description of basic training and then over to Vietnam, some missions and a few stories of hi-jynx.

This book is different, its a raw and emotional journey into the response of one man to what he experience in Vietnam. Lee Burkins joined Special Forces and ended up with MACV-SOG, there he became One-Zero of RT Vermont during the 69/70 period. His story isn't told in a chronological order but developed in such a way that tells a longer narrative, that of how Lee adapted to what he saw and how the Government he fought for abandoned him and others like him. If you want classic war stories this isn’t your book, if you are embarrassed by emotional detail again this isn’t a book for you.

And enough of me here are some words from the man himself "Soldier's Heart will have you experiencing combat like you are there in the middle of it. I will put you on the chopper, have you lock and load your weapon and fly you down into the belly of the beast, to smell the cordite, see the death, feel the adrenaline of killing, and the fear of being killed. You will come to know what it is like to return to walk the streets of an uncaring society having lived all this. I have worked painstakingly to make the writing a classic literary force and not just a regurgitated war story. In the heart of combat soldiers lives the truth of war."

I recommend this book without reservation, its raw and at times uncomfortable but that just makes it more powerful and leaves an impression that keeps coming back. Once read never forgotten!

You can buy the book at Amazon.

Here are some pictures of Lee Burkins during his time with MACV-SOG. Kindly supplied by the man himself.