War & Peace Revival 2015: Photo-Shoots
Miliitary Odyssey 2014: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace Revival 2014: Photo-ShootsMiliitary Odyssey 2013: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace Revival 2013: Photo-Shoots
Overlord 2013: Photo-Shoots
Miliitary Odyssey 2012: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace 2012: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace 2011: Photo-Shoots
Trucks & Troops 2011: Photo-Shoots
Military Odyssey 2010: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace 2010: Photo-Shoots
RT Montana: Life Around Camp 1970
RT Idaho: 1971
RT New York
RT Wyoming BDA Mission 1971
MACV-SOG HALO Teams 1970 -1971

RT Montana 1969
RT Viper One-Zero 1971
RT West Virginia One-One 1971
RT Maine 1970
RT Iowa 1969 - The Golfcourse

MACV-SOG Equipment:

Individual Equipment
Team Equipment
Personal Gear
Original MACV-SOG Gear

Australian SASR
Seal Team 1

War & Peace 2011: Press Coverage
This year the group was interviewed for a number of publications

Stars & Stripes Europe: The group was interviewed for an article in Stars and Stripes Europe by reporter David Hodge, he was keen to show serving US personnel the effort people go to honouring their colleagues at War & Peace. The interview was also video for AFN (Armed Forces News)and they loved the fact we were playing Vietnam period AFN news and radio footage.

Thanks to "Ranger Rick" F. Tscherne for the introduction, you can his site here.

Link to the Stars & Stripes News paper

Link to the Stars & Stripes Website

Beltring Bugle: We were also interviewed for the War & Peace newspaper, The Beltring Bugle, published every morning and handed out at the show. Radio War & Peace also did an interview but have yet to find a copy online.

You can read the interview here.