War & Peace Revival 2015: Photo-Shoots
Miliitary Odyssey 2014: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace Revival 2014: Photo-ShootsMiliitary Odyssey 2013: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace Revival 2013: Photo-Shoots
Overlord 2013: Photo-Shoots
Miliitary Odyssey 2012: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace 2012: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace 2011: Photo-Shoots
Trucks & Troops 2011: Photo-Shoots
Military Odyssey 2010: Photo-Shoots
War & Peace 2010: Photo-Shoots
RT Montana: Life Around Camp 1970
RT Idaho: 1971
RT New York
RT Wyoming BDA Mission 1971
MACV-SOG HALO Teams 1970 -1971

RT Montana 1969
RT Viper One-Zero 1971
RT West Virginia One-One 1971
RT Maine 1970
RT Iowa 1969 - The Golfcourse

MACV-SOG Equipment:

Individual Equipment
Team Equipment
Personal Gear
Original MACV-SOG Gear

Australian SASR
Seal Team 1

Soapdish Claymore



The "soapdish" claymores were used by SOG and other teams like recon on the harbor sites overnight. Each man place a couple in front of thier postion or if time allowed would place at chest or head level. The soapdish if placed on the ground would only maim unless the victim bledout, which could happen. These were not mainly used for offensive but as a diversionary device to slow the enemy down.

I made mine from a sixties PX purchase soapdish, some 6 inch nails, modelling clay and some old screw and nails. I then sprayed it up. Its inert of course...