This US Army grenade is used as a ground-to-ground or ground-to-air signaling device, a target or landing zone marking device, or a screening device for unit movements.
Color/Markings: Olive drab body with yellow markings, the top painted red, green, yellow, or violet to indicate the smoke color.
Body: Body: Sheet steel cylinder with four emission holes at the top and one at the bottom to allow smoke release when the grenade is ignited.
Fuze Assembly: M201A1 Pull-ring Igniter. A "mouse trap" type igniting fuze with a 1.2 to 2.0 second delay. Ignition ignites the filler and expels it from the grenade body.
Filler: 11.5 ounces of a colored smoke mixture. Comes in red, green, yellow, or violet.
Weight: 19 ounces.
Safety clip?: No.
Range: Can be thrown 35 meters by an average soldier.
Duration: The grenade produces a cloud of colored smoke for 50 to 90 seconds (0.85-1.5 minutes).

In the picture you can also see the mini-smoke grenades used by SOG (the ones that look like a 35mm
Canistor) as well as 2 types of CS gas grenade. These were used during prisoner snatches and to deter tracker teams.
The M6 and M6A1 grenades (Figure E-6) contain a combination mixture of CN and DM. They differ chiefly in external appearance and the manner in which the filler is combined.
a. Body. The M6 and M6A1 grenade bodies are sheet metal. The M6 has six emission holes at the top and two rows of nine emission holes each along the sides. The M6A1 has four emission holes at the top and one at the bottom.
b. Filler. The M6 grenade has 10.5 ounces of CN-DM mixture; the M6A1 has 9.5 ounces of CN-DM mixture.
c. Fuze. The fuze is an M201A1.
d. Weight. The M6 grenade weighs 17 ounces; the M6A1 weighs 20 ounces.
e. Capabilities. The average soldier can throw either grenade 35 meters. The grenades emit a dense cloud of irritant agent for 20 to 60 seconds
f. Color and Markings. These grenades have gray bodies with a single red band and red markings. (Under the standard color-coding system, the single red band and markings indicate nonpersistent riot-control filler. A double red band and markings indicate persistent riot-control filler, and any combination of green bands and markings indicates casualty-producing filler. Currently, there are no casualty-producing agents in hand grenade form.)

The Miniature CS Disseminator (mini-grenade) and XM58 CS Pocket Grenade (pocket grenade) are small lightweight point source disseminators. These can be seen on some SOG photos, most noticeably photos of Ken Bowra.
Please note all grenades are reproduction or inert items in accordance with UK law and the VCRA. |