An early example of an OG107 fatigue shirt, with early rank badges. This was picked up on a recent US trip. We have been doing some research (helped by Mikko) and it seems this shirt was owned by SOG veteran SSG Jerry Michael Weaver, who paid the ultimate price and was KIA in 1970.
Weaver was a Special Forces veteran that served two tours in Vietnam and was killed on 16 July, 1970 at camp A-236 (Bu Prang) while patrolling the camp perimeter (in mistake by a CIDG guard). Prior to assignment at Camp A-236, he was with 1st Special Forces Group and TDY’d to FOB-3, (Command and Control North MACV-SOG) on a Snakebite Team and served on a Hatchet Force. This vet is listed in Sherman’s Who Who in SOG on page 132. Some of his awards include: US and Philippine Jump Wings, Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star Medal, Good Conduct Medals, Vietnamese Gross of Gallantry w/ Palm, PUB, and Navy PUC.*
* Information courtesy of Rallypoint Militaria
His details can be found on teh Vietnam War Memorial in Washington:
Jerry Michael Weaver
Staff Sergeant
Army of the United States
04 January 1946 - 16 July 1970
Niles, Michigan
Panel 08W Line 024
